Because Amazon is a technological system and most of our work as sellers is technical, like changing keywords, optimizing, and so on, we sometimes forget that on the other side of the sale, there's a customer...
And since Amazon increasingly distances us from customers and almost doesn't give us the option to communicate with them, the most reliable communication channel we have left is reviews, product reviews.
When was the last time you read the reviews for your product, both positive and negative, and learned what the customer is saying about your product?
As someone who has been implementing this for over a year, I have a tip that will significantly increase your conversion rates. Set yourself a weekly reminder in your calendar to read the latest reviews left on your product page.
It's not a task for a VA or another employee; only you, the brand owners, can extract the most from it and learn what annoys your customers. What's missing for them? What do they like about your product?
Learn from the comments and address them through your product page, especially through images.
If a customer thinks the product is smaller than expected, make the size more apparent in the images.
If a customer liked the design, highlight that in one of the images, mentioning the beloved and unique colors.
If a customer mentions that the color doesn't match reality, be sure to fine-tune the colors in the images to avoid negative feedback.
I'm sure each and every one of you can learn much more from your product's reviews than you will from competitor research.
Good luck!